Sermons by Trevor McMaken

Jeremiah: God Wants Us Back

The Return of the Shepherd-King

Trevor McMaken

Texts: Jeremiah 33:12-26, Matthew 14:22-33

August 8, 2020
Holy Week 2020

A Table in the Wilderness

Trevor McMaken

Texts: I Corinthians 11:23–32, Psalm 78:1–4, 14–20, 23–25, John 13:1–15

April 4, 2020

City of Light

Trevor McMaken

August 8, 2015

Children of Light

Trevor McMaken

July 7, 2015

Called into the Light

Trevor McMaken

June 6, 2015

Praying through Opposition

Trevor McMaken

May 5, 2015
Hope Opens the Door

Jesus Brings Peace

Trevor McMaken

December 12, 2014